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COVID-19: ABM joins our Partners in Prayer
April 29, 2020
As COVID-19 spreads to all parts of our world, ABM joins our partners in prayer.
The Anglican Church of Melanesia
- Our national leaders who are working very closely with all Churches in SI and Vanuatu towards the C19. Also our health workers and front-liners in our fight against the C19
- Our Bishops and Clergy as they continue to provide pastoral care and advices to all people in this very difficult time of fear, especially as a lot of Honiara residence are returning home because of fear.
- For all our people returning home, living in fear, all our school children whose schools have been closed down and for stronger faith to remain strong in God.
- For people directly affected by Cyclone Harold, especially in Vanuatu, which I have just heard that it destroyed a lot of Church properties, including the residence of the Bishop of Vanuatu.
- For families and relatives of 27 people washed overboard from a passenger boat from Honiara to Malaita by huge waves caused by Cyclone Harold on the night of 03rd April. Six bodies were recovered dead and the rest were never recovered.
The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East
- Pray for the weakest, the most vulnerable, and the poorest in the many countries that this Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East covers and serves.
- Pray for clergy and their people who are grieving and disorientated by not being able to meet face to face as the Body of Christ.
- Pray for the four dioceses, all of them facing serious financial pressures resulting from interrupted worship and mission service.
- Pray for places where violence and conflict continue, even while the pandemic rages: especially for the Yemen, for Syria, for Iraq, for Somalia, for Palestine.
- Pray in thanksgiving for love deepened and faith broadened in these times of altered perspective.
The Anglican Church of Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia
From Tikanga Pasefika, the Church’s Polynesian cultural strand
- Those infected with COVID-19 in our Diocese of Polynesia area…..15 in Fiji, nil in Samoa, Tonga and American Samoa…we give thanks to God for His protection over our islands
- Those affected by COVID-19 in terms of job losses financial stress, especially those in our Tourism Industry – Tourism is one of the biggest economy in our Islands
- The Governments for their work and decisions made. Tonga and Samoa Governments declared national days of fasting and praying for the effects of the pandemic and God’s protection over them
- The work of the Police Forces and Army, nurses and doctors and all essential workers in the pacific
- For the leadership of our churches, and the important roles of pastors at such a time as this – their pastoral responsibility to the congregations, especially the elderly who are more prone to this pandemic.
The Anglican Church of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
- Pray for all those who have been afflicted with COVID-19. (In Hong Kong, there are 970 confirmed cases)
- Pray for those who are caring for those afflicted, especially the medical personnel and paramedics who put their own lives at risk.
- Pray for those who have died of the virus. May they rest in peace. We also remember those who grieve of their passing.
- Pray for all those who have been placed under quarantine centers and those who are under self-quarantine at homes.
- Pray for all those businesses that are facing closure and bankruptcy due to the lockdown. Pray for the owners and workers in these challenging times.
The Church of the Province of South-East Asia
- Give thanks to the Lord for all that the governments are putting in place, the preventative measures, medical treatment, economy stimulus and financial assistance, to help and protect the people of the nations.
- Seek God’s mercy, confess the corporate sins of the Church (God’s people) and the nations, that we have rejected His values, distorted Biblical truth, denied His Lordship, departed from His righteous way (justice and righteousness according to God’s standard).
- Pray for national leaders and leadership of God’s Church, for divine wisdom to continue making godly decisions and provide godly leadership over those under their charge. Remember especially our Archbishop and all Bishops in the Province.
- Pray against fear (Use Psalms 91, 23, 46 to pray).
- Pray for all those who are or will be affected by the ongoing spread of Covid-19 and pray for healing. Pray for those whose livelihood is adversely affected, and students whose schooling is interrupted.