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Kenya:Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Children’s Program

Children learn of God’s love through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd children’s ministry. © CGS, 2016. Used with permission.

Children learn of God’s love through the Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd children’s ministry. © CGS, 2016. Used with permission.

Church to church project


This is part of the Church to Church Program: Learn more about ABM’s Programs here.


The growth of this children’s ministry in Kenya in recent years is, according to its leaders, a sign that the Lord wants to raise up a new generation of people who love Jesus.

In 2016, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Association managing the program in Kenya met all expectations of the ABM Partnership agreement and expanded further into South Sudan and Rwanda.

The Association continues to receive invitations to conduct ministry trainings throughout the East Africa region. The coordinator spoke of the dedication shown by staff in these instances, travelling for up to four days in public buses and on poor quality roads in order to deliver the trainings.

Kaye Corner, Catechesis Formation Leader and Advisor to the Kenyan CGS Association said, “The association is now quite sure that our Lord wants CGS to grow and raise up a new generation of people who love Jesus and are led by the Holy Spirit. There are now strong signs that God is wanting to consolidate the Association and ready it for sustained growth and is calling it forth into more countries across the sub-Sahara. The association is currently being led to open up in the Congo.”

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Christian Education program that assumes young children have religious potential and that they are capable of developing a conscious and intimate relationship with God.

ABM is now supporting seven Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training centres:

1. St Crispins in Bungoma, Western Kenya – six formation leaders have been fully trained and 12 more are undergoing training. This parish has received a huge response from parents and children with over 350 children now enrolled in the Sunday School program.

2. St Nicholas Children’s home in Nairobi – two formation leaders have been fully trained and eight others are currently undergoing training. This facility accommodates 200 registered children on a weekly basis.

3. St Stephens in Makueni, Eastern Kenya – two formation leaders are undergoing training and provide ministry for 50 children weekly.

4. Namatala in Eastern Uganda – staffed with four fully trained formation leaders and catering for 100 children.

5. Bor in Diocese of Malek, South Sudan – this new training centre was launched in February 2016 and is currently training leaders to cater for 50 registered children.

6. Bondo in the lake region of Kenya – this new training centre was launched in April 2016 and is currently training formation leaders for 50 registered children.

7. Eldoret in the Kenyan Rift region – this new training centre was also launched in April 2016 and is training leaders for 30 registered children. Ven Kistos Khisa, Managing Director of the Association, expressed special thanks to ABM for its support.


“Once again we wish to say how grateful we are for the support ABM has provided to this project. We appreciate your very generous support and we do pray that our continued engagement and fellowship will increasingly grow the church of God. Lives are being touched and we believe the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd approach is impacting positively both the adults and children spiritually.”

Your support of this project will continue to offer over 800 children Christian education and know a relationship with God.

KE003YC needs $18,000 in 2017 (non tax-deductible)



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