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Solomon Islands: Church Capacity Building

Diocese of Guadalcanal Vicar General during the Management Workshop Training. © Anglican Church of Melanesia, 2016. Used with permission.

Diocese of Guadalcanal Vicar General during the Management Workshop Training.
© Anglican Church of Melanesia, 2016. Used with permission.

Community Development project






This is part of the Community Development Program: Learn more about ABM’s Programs here

In July 2016, a Capacity Building workshop was held with the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM), ABM’s partner in the Solomon Islands. The workshop was for ACOM’s Heads of Department, Treasurers and Commercial Holdings Managers to further enhance their existing knowledge and skills.

The training was attended by 39 people (including 16 women) from the dioceses of Malaita, Isabel, Temotu, Makira, Guadalcanal and Honiara.

Numerous modules in leadership, management and evaluation were covered, including topics such as;

• How to manage a profitable business operation

• Investing in human resources

• How to design and implement productive systems

• Understanding organisational development theory

• How to achieve the goal of sustainability and self-reliance

• Review of relevant ACOM policies and procedures

There was much positive feedback from this time, with the majority of participants rating the course content as ‘excellent’, and expressing a greater degree of confidence in carrying out their roles as a result.

A further effectiveness evaluation will also occur in six months’ time, to understand how this training has impacted the work being done by the church in the Solomons.

It is events like these that are made possible through the support of this project. Without your generosity our Pacific neighbours wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn more about the management of their affairs. This investment allows the Church in the Solomon Islands to continue its community development work effectively and efficiently.

SB012IS – Church Capacity Building needs $7,000 in 2017 (tax-deductible)



You can make an online donation to this projectDonate now to this project 


Alternatively, for donations by cheque/money order (made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia), telephone or email, view contact details here. Please don’t forget to include the project name and/or code with your payment details.

Gifts to ABM will be applied to the support of project(s) selected. In the unlikely event of the project being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to a similar project to the one(s) selected.



June 2017 – Casper Sikou, the Community and Social Development Coordinator for the Anglican Church of Melanesia, is currently attending the E-CARE intensive trainings in the Philippines. His training is being supported by ABM under the Church Capacity Building program, and he has written an article on his experiences so far. Read more.


