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Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mission Grants

When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country. – Statement from the Heart

Anglican delegates from Bamaga were able to participate in the annual Reconciliation Luncheon when they visited Dubbo in 2018 .
Anglican delegates from Bamaga were able to participate in the
annual Reconciliation Luncheon when they visited Dubbo in 2018.

The purpose of ABM’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mission Grants is to support mission activities that benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

ABM receives grant applications for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander initiatives that connect with one or more of the Anglican Communion’s Marks of Mission:

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  • To respond to human need by loving service
  • To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

ABM affirms the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, particularly recognising the importance of culture and self-determination. Priority is given to projects which are initiated and led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Priority is also given to funding Anglican Church organisations or ecumenical initiatives where there is an Anglican connection.

Grant applications which meet the funding guidelines are appraised and prioritised by NATSIAC, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council. (Grants for under $5,000 can also be appraised through a fast-track process involving a panel of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander appraisers).

Grant funds cannot be used for purchasing buildings or vehicles or paying ongoing salary costs. All grant recipients are required to provide a verified financial acquittal, written reports and photographs.

For more information about the mission grants, or to obtain a copy of the grant guidelines, contact

In 2018 one of the grant applications came from the burgeoning Anglican youth group in Bamaga, a small community at the tip of Cape York. The youth, many of whom had never travelled outside the community, had dreamed of visiting Dubbo in NSW to spend time with NATSIAC Chairperson, Rev’d Gloria Shipp and local Aboriginal Elders. They had raised money for their flights but needed assistance with local meals, hostel accommodation and bus charter. Their visit was a high point for churches in both communities with the exchange of culture, stories and new ties that bind together the worldwide church.

Your support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mission Grants gives NATSIAC the power to discern their own mission priorities for the Australian Church.

Please support the dreams and visions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people responding to the call of God.

XG015ID needs $100,000 in 2019 (non tax-deductible)



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Alternatively, for donations by cheque/money order (made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia), telephone or email, view contact details here. Please don’t forget to include the project name and/or code with your payment details.

Gifts to ABM will be applied to the support of project(s) selected. In the unlikely event of the project being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to a similar project to the one(s) selected.


Project Update

March 2019 – ABM was excited recently to receive reports from our Anglican Aboriginal partners about how two grants, made possible by ABM’s supporters, have been used to further God’s Kingdom:

Reconciliation Program badge  This is part of the Reconciliation Program:
 Learn more about ABM’s Programs

