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Anglican Church of Australia Appoints New Chair of Anglican Board of Mission (ABM)

November 26, 2014

The Rt Revd Garry Weatherill has been appointed as the new Chair of the Board of Directors for the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia.

Bishop Garry is currently Bishop of the Diocese of Ballarat in the Australian State of Victoria. He has been a member of the ABM Board for the past 6 years, first as the SA representative and more recently as the House of Bishops’ Representative. Bishop Garry is also the Chair of the ABM Partnerships Committee. In his spare time, he is also Chair of the Liturgy Commission of General Synod and Chairs the Advisory Council for Anglican Religious Life in Australia.

Of his appointment, Bishop Garry said, “I am very excited to take up this new role within ABM. The commitment of our young staff, the dedication of our traditional supporters, growing links with new supporters and the rich relationships with our partner churches are really life giving. I am honoured to work with such talented , faithful and committed people as we seek to discover how God invites us to share in God’s mission that the whole world might know love, hope and justice.”

As the national mission agency in Australia, ABM is constituted by a Canon of General Synod, the governing body of the Anglican Church of Australia. The Standing Committee of General Synod met on the 23rd November and appointed Bishop Garry for a term of 3 years.

ABM’s Board has 13 Directors comprised of provincial representatives and skills base. A complete list of directors can be found at and a history of ABM can be found at