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Australia: Reconciliation

visits by people like Bishop Mark MacDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Gifts to ABM’s Reconciliation Program enable visits by people like
Bishop Mark MacDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop of the
Anglican Church of Canada, pictured above with Bishop Chris Mcleod.

Reconciliation project


This is part of the
Reconciliation Program:
Learn more about ABM’s Programs

“In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard” – Uluru Statement from the Heart


ABM’s Reconciliation Coordinator Celia Kemp says, “If the Australian Church wants to know what really happened in Australia’s past, what is really happening now and where God is speaking into the Australian church – we need to listen to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

Your support for this project enables ABM to create resources and events which help the Anglican Church and the wider community to hear the voices of First Nations People. This includes resources for National Reconciliation Week and support for liturgies developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This project also supports the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in the Anglican Church through events like the 2017 National Aboriginal Bishop’s retreat in Alice Springs.

AU021RE needs $12,500 in 2018 (non tax-deductible)



You can make an online donation to this projectDonate now to this project 


Alternatively, for donations by cheque/money order (made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia), telephone or email, view contact details here. Please don’t forget to include the project name and/or code with your payment details.

Gifts to ABM will be applied to the support of project(s) selected. In the unlikely event of the project being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to a similar project to the one(s) selected.


Program update

August 2017 – Through the Reconciliation project, Bishop Mark MacDonald of the National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada, made a recent visit to Australia, to speak about the Reconciliation journey of the Canadian Church. Read more.


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