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May 7, 2018
ABM congratulates The Rev Dr Richard Treloar, Vicar of Christ Church South Yarra, on his election as the next Bishop of Gippsland. The Diocese of Gippsland announced the news on their website as follows:
May 6th, 2018
It is with immense pleasure that the Diocese of Gippsland announces that The Rev’d Dr Richard Treloar, Vicar of Christ Church South Yarra, has been elected as the thirteenth Bishop of Gippsland!
He commenced ordained ministry in rural and regional Victoria and is excited to be called to this new ministry in the Diocese of Gippsland, which he will take up later in the year.
Richard has served as Vicar of Christ Church and President of Christ Church Grammar School since 2007. Prior to that he was Chaplain at Trinity College, The University of Melbourne, where he taught for nine years in the College’s Theological School. Between 2001 and 2014 Richard was a member of the Standing Commission on Faith and Order in the World Council of Churches, and in 2012 he was appointed to the Liturgy Commission of General Synod.
Richard’s doctoral research focused on biblical narrative and he was awarded a PhD by Monash University in 2003. His dissertation, Esther and the End of ‘Final Solutions’: Theodicy and Hebrew Biblical Narrative, was published in 2008. He is an Honorary Research Associate of the University of Divinity, and has published articles on contemporary issues of faith and society in Eureka Street and other journals and edited volumes.
Richard is married to Dr Leanne Habeeb, an Organisational Psychologist, and they have two young children, Rachel and Nicholas.
The Diocese of Gippsland is looking forward with great anticipation in welcoming Bishop Elect Richard!