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These Kenyan primary school children have benefited from the project. © Julianne Stewart/ABM, 2018. |
The East African nation of Kenya is home to some of the best-known landscapes and peoples from that vast continent. Golden savannahs filled with herds of wildlife and prowling lions, the spectacular Rift Valley, and tribes of Maasai, Samburu, and Swahili resplendent in vibrant garments.
Although ancient in culture and tradition, these peoples have seen unprecedented change over the past decade. A series of significant structural and economic reforms have contributed to sustained economic growth over that time, leading to a rise in income and growth of the middle-class. Kenya has also met several of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) targets, including reduced child mortality, near universal primary school enrolment, and narrower gender gaps in education.
However, the daily fight for survival is still a reality for many.
Around 34% of the 46.1 million population live below the income poverty line (PPP* $1.90 a day), and 10.7% live in “severe multidimensional poverty”**. Nearly one quarter of children under 5 suffer from moderate or severe stunting due to poor nutrition.
Women often bear the burden of both homemaker and bread-winner, and for those with disabilities, discrimination brings precious few options for a meaningful future.
Since 2009 ABM has been working in partnership with the Anglican Development Services Eastern (ADSE), the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya. ADSE was established in 1983 and has been implementing community development projects in the country’s arid and semi-arid lands for many years. Their work aims to improve the livelihoods of the most vulnerable communities, making them more resilient to the effects of climate change. These communities are chosen according to their rating on the Multidimensional Poverty Index, developed by the United Nations for assessing the families and individuals with the greatest need.
ABM also works closely with the Anglican Church of Kenya in strengthening Anglican communities in their faith, especially amongst the children and youth. The success of these programs has led their rapid expansion, which now extends into areas of South Sudan and Rwanda.
Your support for these programs will ensure communities in Kenya are empowered to meet the multitude of challenges they face, rising above poverty and adversity to live their full God-given potential.
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These projects are part of the Community Development Program: Learn more about ABM’s Programs here |
*Purchasing Power Parity