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Australia: Youth Engagement Across the Top End Remote Communities

Lincoln (centre), a young local in Bamaga, North Queensland engaging with elders Monica and Maria. © Michael Begaud/ABM, 2014.
Lincoln (centre), a young local in Bamaga, North
Queensland engaging with elders Monica and Maria.
© Michael Begaud/ABM, 2014.
Reconciliation project


This is part of the 
Reconciliation Program:
Learn more about ABM’s
Programs here


Last year a new focus for the ABM Reconciliation Program was the initiatives toward Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth engagement.

The Diocese of the Northern Territory is “thrilled that ABM is able to support the Diocese as we seek to undertake some initiatives to reach and support younger and emerging Christian leaders.”

Amongst others, one initiative that commenced in 2015 to engage younger leaders is changing the way diocesan training is provided. A small team of trainers will be sent out to each community. In many NT locations, a small charter plane is the only method of travel and the costs of providing pastoral support and training to the remote churches in the diocese are enormous.

It is hoped that taking the training to each community will not only enable a larger number of people to attend but that it might give younger and emerging leaders the opportunity to participate.

When these plans were shared with Christians in communities from East and South East Arnhem land, the reaction from the younger leaders was very enthusiastic.

Nola and Joy, both from Numbulwar, were particularly thrilled that they would be able to be included. “We really need this,” Nola said, “because we are the ones trying to help the kids in the church to know about Jesus.”

Please give to this project so that people like Nola can share the love of Jesus in their rural communities.

AU011YE needs $22,000 in 2016 (non tax-deductible)



You can make an online donation to this project by selecting Australia: Youth Engagement in Northern Australia from the full project list.

Alternatively, for donations by cheque/money order (made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia), telephone or email, view contact details here. Please don’t forget to include the project name and/or code with your payment details.

Gifts to ABM will be applied to the support of project(s) selected. In the unlikely event of the project being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to a similar project to the one(s) selected.



August 2016 – Reverend Kate Beer, Ministry Development Officer for the Diocese of the Northern Territory, recently wrote an update on the good work being done. Read more
