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June, 2020
ABM has received a new report from Rev Gloria Shipp regarding her Walkabout Ministries during this time of COVID-19. Although affected by social distancing regulations for some months, we give thanks to God that Gloria’s ministry activities are largely back on track. Sadly, Gloria has had to step down from her prison chaplaincy at Dubbo’s Orana Youth Justice Centre. She asks for prayers for a new chaplain to be found. (Gloria fits into a high-risk category for COVID-19, so she wasn’t allowed to continue jail visits).
Despite the challenges, Gloria has continued to find ways to support her Elders Outreach Group members, and she looks forward to this year’s Women’s Camp going ahead.
“The Elders Outreach Group were meeting every Tuesday in the hall at Dubbo Anglican Church until early March when the Corona Virus halted activities. For the next couple of months, the Elders were supported by phone calls and the occasional quick visit by me at the front of their houses once these were allowed by law. Towards the end of May we started meeting in small groups of 5 in my home for fellowship and craft. We hope to return to the hall in July after the school holidays and then community activities when allowed.
“Weekly Bible talks continued to be held at the (Orana) Centre until mid-March when I was not allowed into the centre due to coronavirus restrictions. This made supporting the boys exceedingly difficult as I was not able to speak with them on the phone. At the end of April, after much prayer and consideration, I resigned from the Centre.
“Planning for the Women’s Camp to be held at Burrendong Dam Holiday Park in August is continuing. I have two cabins booked and a few ladies have already indicated they will be at the camp.
“Our booklet is ready to be printed for a Women of the Bible afternoon. This year we will be looking at Jehosheba and Deborah. This will most likely be held later in the year when the warmer weather returns, and restrictions are lifted more.
“I am planning on a luncheon/garden party in my back yard on Melbourne Cup Day with select members of the community invited. Once again this will all be dependent on any restrictions in place at that time.
“Outreach trips and the Reconciliation luncheon are still being considered, however we cannot plan too much with these due to current restrictions.
“NATSIAC is continuing with an Executive meeting being held over ZOOM in April, to discuss urgent matters.
“Jen [Gloria’s Admin Assistant] and I worked from our own home offices for a few weeks, keeping in touch through email and phone for ministry matters. We commenced working together in the same place in May.
“I continue to be thankful for all the support given to this ministry from ABM which enables these programs to continue.
Rev Gloria Shipp”