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Disaster Response in Indonesia, Mozambique and the Solomon Islands
People across the world have been supported by ABM in times of trouble. To reach far away countries and communities, ABM has been able to draw on our vast Anglican church network (Anglican Alliance) and our membership of a worldwide ecumenical network (ACT Alliance). Here are three recent examples of how ABM helped.
Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia
Following the September 2018 earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi in Indonesia, ABM contributed $9,992 towards a large-scale response that reached more than 80,000 people in the first year. The response was organised through ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together).
The response was run in the three worst hit districts of Central Sulawesi Province: Palu, Sigi and Donggala. One ACT member (PELKESI) used a mobile clinic to treat 9,722 patients. Another, Christian World Service, distributed 2,100 tarpaulins, 400 blankets, 2,750 mosquito nets, 5,831 solar lamps, 6,200 sleeping mats, 221 family tents, 2,335 water and sanitation kits and 2,031 shelter kits. They also delivered 2,186,400 litres of safe water across 145 locations, drilled boreholes in seven other locations, installed 25 community latrines, conducted 38 hygiene and sanitation education sessions and helped families build 328 temporary shelters. A third ACT member, YEU, distributed 5,450 shelter kits, 3,300 carpentry kits, 3,300 hygiene kits, and 2,750 kitchen utensils. YEU gave special assistance in housing, latrine construction and small grants to meet the specific needs of the elderly and people with a disability.
Sturdy new homes in Indonesia, where entire villages had been destroyed last September by an earthquake and tsunami.
© ACT Alliance.
Cyclone Oma in the Solomon Islands
When Cyclone Oma damaged crops and buildings in the Solomon Islands in February 2019, the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) was already present in the affected communities, sharing their hardship. ABM supported ACOM to deliver bags of rice to 999 households across 19 affected communities. Anglican clergy assisted with the distributions, and also provided psycho-social counselling in many of the communities.
For Cyclone Oma, ABM did not launch an appeal. Instead, ABM drew on $12,000 that was left over from a previous disaster response.
Families in the Solomon Islands with enough food for weeks – one less worry as they rebuild their homes and re-plant their fields after Cyclone Oma. © Anglican Church of Melanesia.
Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth in southern Africa
In March-April 2019, southern Africa was struck by two cyclones, leading to some of the biggest floods ever recorded on that continent.
With support from ABM ($10,000), the Anglican Diocese of Niassa in Mozambique, provided maize seeds, cooking oil and vegetables for 562 people.
In another part of Mozambique, the Anglican Diocese of Lebombo provided food, clothes, cooking pans, and water purifiers for 200 families. The diocese has also begun to build 24 houses and two mills and provide training in psycho-social counselling.
ABM thanks our generous supporters, who enabled us to assist communities struck by disasters. We also acknowledge the importance of two key networks – Anglican Alliance and ACT Alliance – in helping extend our global reach.
Fields of freshly planted vegetables in Mozambique, where in April 2019 there were fields of mud from vast floods.
© Anglican Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique.