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Update: Capacity Building for Clergy and Sunday School Teachers

An update received from Bishop John Wilme for the Capacity Building – Training for Clergy and Sunday School Teachers Project

The clergy training took place in January 2015 over a five day period at the Toungoo Diocesan office. There were 43 participants at the course.

During the training, topics covered were Anglican Communion; Life and Ministry of clergy; What is Anglicanism; and Sustaining effective ministry in a changing world. The daily agenda also included morning and evening prayer, Holy Communion and Bible Study. 


Participants in the Clergy Training workshop. ©CPM 2015 Group photo of participants in the Clergy Training workshop. ©CPM 2015
Participants in the Clergy Training workshop. ©CPM 2015 

There were two training sessions for Sunday School Teachers during December 2014 and January 2015. The first session had 46 attendees and the second 33 attendees. The training was held at St Mark’s Church in Thandaung and the  Diocesan Office in Toungoo. Subjects covered were Qualifications of Sunday School teachers; Lesson Preparation; Child Psychology; History of Sunday School; Child Protection; Children’s Songs and How to make Teaching Aids.

Participants in the Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015 Participants in the Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015
Participants in the Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015 Participants in the Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015
Participants in the Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015 Sunday School Teacher training materials. ©CPM 2015
Sunday School Teacher training. ©CPM 2015


One of the participants of the Sunday School Teachers capacity building training, Naw Mary Moon Aye, shares her story with us:

My name is Naw Mary Moon Aye. I am serving as Sunday school teacher of St John the Baptist’s Church, Toungoo.

I am very happy that I now can make some teaching aid for my Sunday school class after this training. I would say that Sunday school teachers should attend such training in order to teach more effectively.

I am also have a chance to learn child psychology at the training and now I feel more comfortable to deal with my Sunday school children while teaching them.

I now can write children stories by myself and create drama and play for my Sunday school lessons. Since I have learned songs I can teach Sunday school children song every Sunday at class.

Field trip during training is also very helpful to me to learn from others and to use what I learned from training. I began to know that  urban children and rural children are different.

Through attending this training I began to know how to use what I have learned and experiences in my lesson preparation.

I would encourage other Sunday school teachers to attend such training and the diocese should conduct such training more in the future for Sunday school teachers serving in different parishes.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all at ABM and the diocese who sponsored this training. May God bless you all and use you as His instrument to promote His Kingdom in our country, Myanmar.