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Myanmar: Church Capacity Building

This project supports the Church in Myanmar to build capacity and become self-sustainable. © Lina Magallanes/ABM 2016.

This project supports the Church in Myanmar to build capacity and become
self-sustainable.© Lina Magallanes/ABM 2016.

Community Development project






This is part of the Community Development Program: Learn more about ABM’s Programs here


The Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM) has made impressive gains over the last year in the area of institutional capacity, in order to deliver sustainable development initiatives.

At the forefront is the Provincial Development Desk, the department of the Church responsible for community development projects such as Water and Sanitation infrastructure.

For the past two years, ABM, together with four other partners of CPM, have been working with CPM to build the community development management capacity of the six dioceses that make up the Church. It is the dioceses which implement the various community development projects, such as Water and Sanitation, Gender and Disability Inclusion, Education and Livelihood Enhancement.

Gradually, these six diocesan development “desks” have grown in their capacity to manage and monitor project activities and report back to the partners. Your continuing support will assist them to continue to produce good development outcomes.

ABM is proud to be partnering with the hardworking and dedicated staff within the CPM. Your support will allow ABM to journey with them toward greater effectiveness in 2017 and, ultimately, achieve self-sustainability.

MM001CE needs $15,524 in 2017 (tax-deductible)



You can make an online donation to this projectDonate now to this project 


Alternatively, for donations by cheque/money order (made out to the Anglican Board of Mission – Australia), telephone or email, view contact details here. Please don’t forget to include the project name and/or code with your payment details.

Gifts to ABM will be applied to the support of project(s) selected. In the unlikely event of the project being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to a similar project to the one(s) selected.



March 2017 – In June 2016, ABM supported Adam Kyaw Thu Ya to attend 3 weeks of training in the Philippines. Since Adam returned home, he has been striving to apply what he has learned from the training in the various roles he holds within the church. Read more.

