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Archbishop Clyde Igara. © Vivienne For/ABM, 2015. |
This is part of the Church to Church Program: Learn more about ABM’s Programs here.
The Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea (ACPNG) is more than 100 years old. As the time changes the world is also changing. And as the world changes, the people are also changing. Today, Pentecostalism is growing faster everywhere which is becoming a threat to the mainstream churches including the ACPNG.
Archbishop Clyde Igara said, “The membership of the Anglican Church is being affected because people are either backsliding into the world or moving to Pentecostal churches. Sunday worship and spirituality which are being led by the clergy are becoming tasteless. Most sermons preached are dry, so giving of self and money to the churches is poor. People lack ownership of their churches in parishes.”
The Provincial Mission and Ministry program proposes to bring clergy and laity together to Dogura Diocese for the national conference to focus on the need for an effective mission and ministry in ACPNG.
The Newton Theological College and Kerina Evangelist College are training centres for the church in PNG but Archbishop Clyde reports he has seen the need to host the mission and ministry conference to refresh, equip, and empower all clergy and lay ministries to standardise their strategies in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ through evangelism and ministry.
He said, “There is a desperate need to shift from maintenance type of ministry to reaching out to people (where they are) to make Christ known.”
Please give generously to this project so that Archbishop Clyde can bring his clergy together to reinvigorate them and build mission and ministry programs.
PG023EM needs $24,000 in 2016 (non tax-deductible)
You can make an online donation to this project by selecting PNG: Provincial Mission and Ministry Program from the full project list.
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