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2012 Partners Magazine Autumn Edition

A Rich Tapestry of Partners

Dear Friends,

At ABM we develop many different types of Partnerships. The ones that we often refer to in Partners are the partnerships that we have established in order to support financially an Anglican Church partner or community.

In this edition, we want to showcase some of our non-financial Partners. These are many and varied in size and capacity but they add to the rich tapestry that we at ABM, and throughout the Anglican Communion, sometimes take for granted.

Our partnerships range from specific work with a diocese within our own Australian Anglican Church, to partnerships with our counterparts in other parts of the world. We have partnerships with individuals who support our work within their parish or diocese; we partner with schools as they seek to further God’s Mission in the world and we partner with groups of people as they undertake one of our pilgrimage programmes. Moreover, there are the unexpected partnerships which emerge as a response to horrific natural disasters.

In whatever way people and organisations decide to interact with ABM, the one thing that we all have in common is the love of Jesus Christ and our desire to work to further God’s Mission.

As you take time to reflect through the pages of this magazine, I would ask you to pray for our work – that all may find hope and know the grace and light of our Risen Lord.

God bless,

The Revd John Deane
Executive Director

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