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Written by Margaret Bride
This booklet was complied and written by Margaret Bride from Melbourne Diocese. Between 1997 and 2000 she and her husband, Graham, were ABM missionaries in PNG. She has served on the ABM Melbourne Diocesan Committee, much of that time as Secretary. Her interest in the history of PNG was heightened by her association with Bishop David Hand, when she assisted him to prepare his book Modawa for publication. She has published other local history studies. ABM is very grateful to Margaret for all her research and work on the history of the martyrs.
Download the Martyrs Booklet here.
Suggested hymns with tunes for the Feast of the New Guinea Martyrs
A list of suggested hymns with tunes to use when commemorating the Feast of the New Guinea Martyrs. Download the .pdf document of hymns here.
Hymns for the Church (the hymnal of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea)
Download the .pdf document for Hymns for the Church here.
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