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Retirement of Bishop Peter Ramsden

September 17, 2014

As many ABM supporters know, Bishop Peter Ramsden, retiring Bishop of Port Moresby and his wife, Sue, will ‘go finish’ (leave PNG for good) when they return to the UK in September.

Over the years, a relationship of strong mutual respect and friendship has developed between Bishop Peter and ABM.

Bishop Peter has long acted as a facilitator of fruitful communication between ABM and the Church in PNG.

During his time as Bishop, +Peter has been influential in many areas of growth and development within the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea (ACPNG). ABM has particularly valued his work with the DFAT-funded Church Partnership Program. He has long served as Chair of the Steering Committee of ACPNG’s Church Partnership Program (CPP) and more recently has chaired the CPP’s Church Leaders’ Council. During his chairmanship, the PNG Churches successfully negotiated the establishment of the Churches’ Development Council, a mechanism for churches to receive PNG government funding for improving health and education service delivery in the country. This mechanism is intended to provide greater accountability of churches in the allocation and spending of government funds for the benefit of Papua New Guineans, particularly those in rural areas.

Within ACPNG itself, Bishop Peter has helped to move Anglicare Port Moresby into the life of the national church. As chair of the Anglicare Board, he has overseen Anglicare’s work in HIV AIDs prevention and treatment expand to include adult literacy. The second half of 2014 will see a further expansion of Anglicare’s activities as it takes on ACPNG’s management of the DFAT and ABM-funded Church Partnership Program.

ABM staff visiting Port Moresby have been greatly blessed with warm hospitality from both Bishop Peter and Mother Sue, and many of our staff will personally miss the Ramsdens when they leave.

As ABM wrote on our website in July, when we first reported Bishop Peter’s retirement, “ABM is very blessed to have worked with the Ramsdens over many years. We wish them well for their future and give thanks for their dedication and service to God. Please keep them in your prayers.” 

Julianne Stewart
ABM Programs Director
16 September, 2014


Moresby Messenger

Bishop Peter shares with us the final issue of the Moresby Messenger newsletter. Download a copy here.


View photographs of Bishop Peter Ramsden on ABM’s Facebook page