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April 5, 2018
We were informed by Dennis Kabekabe, the General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, of the death of Bishop James Ayong early this morning at Kimbe Hospital in West New Britain province. Prior to his retirement Bishop James was the Archbishop of Papua New Guinea (1996 to 2009).
Prior to his ordination, he worked as a local government officer. From 1976–1980 he worked as the purchasing officer and radio operator for the Anglican Office in Lae. Following ordination training at Newton Theological College he returned to Lae as a priest asssistant. 1987 saw him return to Newton College to lecture in Theology and Old Testament and he took over as principal in 1989. In 1993 he travelled to Chichester and took an MA from the Chichester Theological College. On returning to PNG he was appointed parish priest of Gerehu, before his election as Bishop of Aipo Rongo in 1995.
Please pray for his family and for the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea as they mourn the loss of Bishop James.
May he rest in peace, and rise with Christ in Glory.
Photo: © Don Brice/ABM