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We hope it will provide you with interesting material to use as a starting point as you study the Scriptures and reflect on them in prayer.
They have been written by ABM’s Church to Church Program Manager, Robert McLean, who has used the theme of ‘Today’ throughout this set. St Luke, whose gospel the Church reads during Year C, tells us that Jesus began his public ministry with a declaration that the prophecy foretold by Isaiah had been fulfilled ‘today’. So begins Luke’s use of the word, giving his gospel a feel of immediacy and action. In a similar way, throughout the centuries the Church has also used the word ‘today’ in liturgy and hymnody to transcend time, bringing past and present together. Christ’s life is brought into the present moment and the Church celebrates each event in his life with him.
May you be filled with the joy of the resurrection as we celebrate Easter, the great feast of our redemption.
God Bless,
Melany Markham
Communications Manager