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Children are the future. © ABM/Brad Chapman 2012 |
When considering a gift in your will, it is natural for your family and friends to be your first thought.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t leave a gift to the causes you believe in.
How you can make a difference by leaving a gift in your will.
By leaving a bequest to the Anglican Board of Mission in your will, you will be able to make a difference to those that are less fortunate both now and well into the future.
Through the Anglican Board of Mission your bequest can continue over many years to assist with projects such as;
If you have already made a Will:
Updating your existing Will is quite simple and you may do this by using what is called a Codicil. A codicil is an instruction or amendment to your existing Will and must be signed and witnessed by two people, as it is a legal document.
To include ABM as an additional bequest to your current Will, it is advised that you speak with your solicitor, who will make sure that your Will is valid and that your intentions are clear and legally stated.
If you have not yet made a Will:
No matter how big or small your contribution, your gift will make a difference to the futures of our Partners. You may like to use the following suggestions as a guide.
Who should prepare your will?
It is advised to see a Solicitor when making a Will as it is a legal document. *Please refer to the ‘Wording for your Will’ page for the correct wording.
If you would like to obtain a copy of the ABM bequest booklet or would like to discuss including the Anglican Board of Mission in your Will, please contact our Gifts in Wills Officer:
The Rev Dr Ivan Head
Phone: 02 8280 6821
Postal: Locked Bag Q4005, Queen Victoria Building, NSW 1230