For up-to-date information, including our latest appeals, news, and resources, please visit our current website.
November 2, 2020
An Anglican priest has been elected president of The Seychelles.
October 22, 2020
ABM extends our deepest sympathies to Mary Migi and the whole family at this time of sorrow, and to the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea as they mourn a leader who dedicated himself to serving Christ’s Church with humility and wisdom as a true shepherd.
October 8, 2020
Micah is an advocacy group that gathers the voices of Australian Christians to advocate “for the world’s most poor, vulnerable and oppressed”.
October 1, 2020
‘These Are The Days That I Still Remember’: Jean E. Olsen, ABM Missionary North Queensland and Papua New Guinea 1959-1968
September 29, 2020
Breaking New Ground – Growing the Church and The Kingdom of God is near
September 7, 2020
Read updates and messages from ABM’s Partners as we face this challenging environment together in the wake of COVID-19.
September 1, 2020
Australian Primate Archbishop Geoff Smith’s sermon for the New Guinea Martyrs
August 24, 2020
ABM is pleased to announce that Executive Director Rev’d John Deane, has successfully completed his PhD.
August 19, 2020
On Wednesday 12 August 2020 family, friends and colleagues gathered to give thanks to God for the life, love and witness of God’s faithful servant, John Cottier.
August 14, 2020
The Anglican Board of Mission is proud to support the Earth Overshoot Day initiative on August 22.